Climate change focus of new planning guidance

A girl holding a leaf in front of her face.Have your say on new guidance aimed at helping Hertsmere to lower its carbon emissions and achieve net zero by 2050 from today.

We’ve published three draft Supplementary Planning Documents, which provide detailed advice or guidance on our current planning policies. They include how we intend to: promote sustainable transport and parking through changes to off-street parking requirements for new developments, including new requirements for electric car charging points, and the provision of electric car clubs and bike hire schemes in some developments; set up a carbon offsetting fund, which will collect payments for carbon emissions, where they can’t be avoided, and use the payments for carbon reduction projects; ensure biodiversity net gain by requiring developments over a certain size to result in an increase in biodiversity. In 2019, we declared a climate emergency and committed to achieving net-zero emissions no later than 2050. The guidance is one of many ways we’re exploring to help us meet this pledge.

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