
There are 77 allotment plots which consist of full/half plots and a section rented to The Horticultural Society who provide mini plots
Allotment gardening is a great way to get outdoors and get active whilst growing your own fruit and vegetables. Aldenham Parish Council own and manage an allotment site on land adjacent to Phillimore Recreation Ground. The allotment season runs from 1st October to 30th September. The annual rent is currently £20 for a half plot and £40 for a full plot. (The rent in future years may be altered by the Council.).
If you are a resident within the borough of Hertsmere and would like an allotment please contact: Sarah Heighton , Admin Officer – Open Spaces, Aldenham Parish Council, First Floor The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, Herts., WD7 8HL, telephone 01923 856433 or email .
We operate a waiting list policy for allotments. Plots are allocated following the order of the date of receipt of the application form in the office and parishioners who do not already have an allotment will take priority over parishioners who already hold a plot.
Upon receipt of the application form your name would be added to the waiting list, and we will contact you when a plot becomes available. You will be given the opportunity to view the plot before deciding whether to take it on and sign the agreement.
If you are interested in a mini plot, please contact Peter Hordern on 01923-857194 or email
Sheds, greenhouses and other permanent structures
Any tenant wishing to erect a shed or other permanent structure on their plot must first obtain permission from the Council. In the first instance, please apply in writing, describing the dimensions (width, length and height) and materials of the proposed structure, and include a sketch showing its position on the plot, to:
Sarah Heighton – Admin Open Spaces
Aldenham Parish Council
First Floor, The Radlett Centre
1 Aldenham Avenue
Hertfordshire WD7 8HL
Your request will then be considered by the Council and you will be sent a written notification of the Council’s decision.
As a general guideline 7ft x 5ft is the maximum size, and 8ft is the maximum height, that would be permissible for any shed on the allotments. However, each plan is considered individually within the context of the plot, and a written request from the plot holder is always required even if the proposed structure falls within the guidelines.
Tenants who erect unauthorised sheds or other structures will be given 14 days’ notice to remove the structure, or risk forfeiting their tenancy.
Joint Tenancy Agreements
- Where two parishioners wish to jointly work an allotment then, subject to below, both tenants shall sign a Joint Allotment Tenancy Agreement.
- One of the joint tenants shall be nominated as the ‘principal tenant’ and will be responsible for all payments and correspondence relating to the allotment.
- Where an existing single tenant wishes to have a joint tenancy, then they must make an application for a joint tenancy, nominating the secondary tenant at the start of the tenancy annual year (i.e. 1st October). The existing plot holder shall be the “principal tenant”.
- Both tenants shall agree to comply with and observe the allotment rules, but in the final analysis only the principal tenant shall be held responsible for payments and ultimately for the condition and maintenance of the plot. (Both tenants must live in the parish.)
- In the event of the death of the principal tenant, the tenancy will automatically revert to a single tenancy in the name of the secondary tenant and vice versa.
- If either party wishes to give up their joint tenancy then they must write to the Council giving twelve months’ notice. At their discretion, the Council may accept a shorter notice period. In the event of one tenant giving up their joint tenancy then the tenancy will automatically revert to a single tenancy in the name of the remaining tenant.
If you are an existing plot holder and wish to jointly work your allotment with another resident within the Parish of Aldenham, please write to the Council requesting a joint tenancy agreement and nominating the secondary tenant. Please send your request to Sarah Heighton, Admin Officer Open Spaces (please see contact details above).