Council Committees & Working Parties

Council Committees

Please refer to each individual committee for the next committee meeting. The minutes of each committee meeting will be uploaded to our website once they have been approved and signed by the chairman of the committee.

The Full Council committee  meet once a month to ratify recommendations made by the individual committees and Working Parties and also authorise payments of over £10,000.

The Committee meets every 2 weeks and reports to the Full Council. The Committee is responsible to the Parish Council for responding to planning applications and licensing applications, responding to appeals and consultation documents involving planning and transport. It also responds to consultation documents involving public rights of way.

Please note that Hertsmere Borough Council is the Local Planning Authority for this area. It is therefore the decision maker in the planning process and will make the decision to grant or refuse an application. It is very important that, if you have comments to make about an application, you send the comments (objection or support) by email or letter to the case officer at Hertsmere Borough Council so that they may be considered when assessing the application.

Please click on the following link for more detailed information about commenting on applications.

Download a guide to commenting on planning

The Committee is a standing committee of the Council appointed at the Annual Meeting. As such it is autonomous; its decisions do not require ratification by the Council, unless a matter is specifically referred up. Its conduct is subject to those stated in standing orders.

The Committee meets quarterly in June, September, November , January & March. The January meeting of the committee will agree the budgets for every committee and recommend a precept figure to Full Council.

There will be a nominated membership of eight Parish Councillors, with a quorum of three.

All members of the committee have voting rights; other Councillors can attend meetings but have no voting rights. Members of the public are welcome to attend and address the meeting, but have no voting rights.

The Committee shall be responsible to the Parish Council for:

  • Setting and monitoring the budget and recommending the precept amount to the Council.
  • Allocating funding for Projects, through Capital and Earmarked Reserves and Section 106/CiL
  • Receiving and considering applications from organisations on small community and CiL grants
  • Investment Analysis
  • Audit
  • Risk Management
  • Health and Safety
  • Insurance
  • Producing and reviewing Council’s Policies
  • Human Resources 
  • Long term management of the properties of the Council.

Working Parties


Aldenham Parish Council (APC) as part of its links to the community is aware that as leaders of the local communities of Radlett, Aldenham, Letchmore Heath and other small villages within the civic parish of Aldenham, it should use whatever influence it has to improve the lives of all its residents.  

To this end, it has formed a working party to investigate matters independently, that can then be discussed by the full council, and if adopted, become policy.

There were various acts between 1908 & 1950 that dealt with allotments. In one it states ‘In determining demand, an authority must take into consideration ‘a representation in writing by any six registered parliamentary electors or rate payers’ for land to be made available for allotments.

Section 22 of ‘The Allotment Acts 1922’ defines ‘allotment gardens’ as ‘an allotment not exceeding forty poles in extent which is mainly cultivated by the occupier for the production of vegetables and fruit crops for consumption by himself or his family’.

  • To recommend to Council the allotment fees applicable from the following April. (This will be determined by fees charged by local authorities, and use of water at the allotments)
  • To review the waiting list (this will be number – not names due to GDPR, and how long they have been on the list)
  • To recommend the allotment inspection regime.
  • To suggest improvements that can be made to the common areas.

There are two main well established events run by APC: Summertime Activities and Winter Fair.

As part of the recent review, consideration was given to the possibility of engaging with an external well-established provider on a flexible basis who has the expertise and providing resilience to our Council, thus saving us money and staff time.

Following the review APC have approached Inspire ALL who are now  contracted  to run the summertime activities in August and also the 100-year anniversary of Phillimore Recreation Ground event.

The purpose of this working party is to ensure that activities provided by APC are meeting expectation of its residents within the budget constrains set by APC.

Around Radlett (AR) magazine is part of the Council’s communication with its residents. This is in addition to the website, noticeboards and social media.

Each edition of the magazine incorporates news from APC, other local news/events and historical articles.

In the past, Around Radlett was produced 4 times per year, but in June 2019 it was decided that from 2020 only two editions are produced per year to coincide with the Summer Events and Winter Fair/Lights switch on.

This working party would meet initially 4 times per year (twice per edition) to agree the articles and front cover to be included in the magazine.

  • Aldenham Parish Council (APC)  is continuing to progress with the Phillimore Recreation Ground improvements. This project has four phases:
  • Phase 1 – installation of café to improve the experience of visiting the recreation ground
  • Phase 2 – improvements to the entrance into the car park
  • Phase 3 – improvements to the children’s play area to make it accessible to more people all year round
  • Phase 4 – to provide an access path around the main field to make it accessible to all, all year round.

In relation to Phase 1, APC carried out a consultation in the Autumn 2021. Since then, we have been working with the project manager to respond to some of the concerns raised by residents. The planned built area has been reduced and the path connecting the café to the multi- use games area  and public toilets has been relocated to meander inside the community wood, to the side of the proposed café. This will have the effect of reducing the amount of hardstanding that is being introduced onto the main grassed field.

The plans above were approved by APC Full Council on 28 September 2022, and an application for planning permission has been submitted to Hertsmere Borough Council. If permission is granted, then the next step will be to draw up tenders for operators to provide the catering facility as well as contractors to build the café.

At the start of January 2023 APC has received notice from Hertsmere Borough Council that the plans submitted late in 2022 have been APPROVED.

Next steps

Aldenham Parish Council is now reviewing the costs and will then

  • Look to prepare the land for construction, which will include site investigations and the movement of three trees form their current location by the depot building to supplement the avenue of trees alongside the public footpath.

Formation of a design team

  • Tender contracts to provide catering facilities within the premises (this person will also become part of the design team to fit out the final building).
  • Tender for civil engineers, structural engineers, drainage experts, M&E, to help with the final design and build of the building.

This will then form the tender to construct the cafe later in 2023.

In relation to Phase 2, an architect, IID, has been appointed to draw up plans for improvements which will be shared with residents, in due course.

In relation to Phase 3, APC will look at:

  • Obtain and review a survey to users, schools and community groups on what they like about the play area and where it can be improved.
  • Taking the survey into account the working party will work with local play manufacturers to see what can be achieved within a budget of £100,000 and produce alternate schemes that incorporate the initial ideas plus enhancements that would improve the experience of those visiting the play area.
  • This to be then recommended to the council
  • The overriding feature is to make the children’s play area as accessible to all as possible.

This working party is formed to review projects 3 (footpath improvements) and 4 (Improved Access for cyclists) identified in the Radlett Neighbourhood Plan and recommend to Aldenham Parish Council possible solutions and activities to address some of the issues identified.

The working party will consist of nominated councillors, and any resident of the parish of Aldenham the working party feel can help the group achieve the goals.