Garden Waste Collection Service

green bin with pink subscription sticker on back below handles We only collect from households that have subscribed to the Garden Waste Collection Service and display a sticker on their green bin. To pay for your 2025/26 subscription please visit our garden waste page The subscription cost for collections from April 2025 is £50 for the first green bin, with a concessionary rate of £35 for those claiming Council Tax support. Additional bin subscriptions are £60 each with a maximum of three green bins collected per property. 

Important! From April 2025 your green bin will be for garden waste only.

For food waste you will receive a new silver food waste bin, which will be collected weekly from 7 April – see further details below.

Silver food waste bin with collection calendar, instruction leaflet and roll of linersFood waste collections – starting in April From Monday 7 April you will be able to recycle your food waste weekly!  New 23-litre silver food bins are currently being delivered across the borough containing an instruction booklet, collection calendar and roll of compostable liners for your inside kitchen caddie.

It’s hard to imagine that your plate scrapings, stale bread, mouldy food, tea and coffee bags, meat and fish bones can be used to create sustainable energy and fertiliser – there’s power in those peelings!

Your food waste will be taken to a special processing plant in London Colney where it is used to generate electricity to power homes in our borough and produce fertiliser, which is used in farming locally.

To read our FAQs and find out more about the weekly food waste collection visit our food waste page 


To make our rounds more efficient you may see a change to your collection day. You will receive information about this in the collection calendar delivered inside your new silver food bin.

If you do not want the garden waste subscription or have already signed up and paid for 2025/26 garden waste subscription, you do not need to do anything.