Radlett Youth Council

The Radlett Youth Council is a group of 11 – 18 year olds living in the Parish of Aldenham which meets once a month and aims to:

  • Give young people a voice and say in their local area.
  • Listen to what young people want and take action by speaking with the relevant services to help make it happen ie. improved transport links, better street lighting
  • Empower young people to improve the area themselves.
  • Create links with adult Councillors to work together to get things done.
  • Improve young people’s employment opportunities by promoting volunteering.
  • Encourage young people to get more involved with the local community.
  • Promote positive activities and run events such as the tombola stall at the Winter Fair where they have raised some amazing amounts for local charities. 
  • Support initiatives to make Aldenham Parish a safe area for young people.

The Youth Council meets once a month, usually in the early evening at the Radlett Centre and is always on the look-out for new members who possess qualities such as enthusiasm, good communication skills, the ability to work well in group situations, an understanding of the issues which face young people today and the ability to attend and contribute to regular Youth Council meetings. You will also meet some new people and have fun at the same time!

We would love to hear from anyone who is interested in joining. Please call Johanna Shearman on 01923-856433 or email admincomms@aldenham-pc.gov.uk for more information.