The Platt Subsidary Foundation

Platt Awards 2022

Are you under 25?

Do you live in Radlett, Aldenham or Shenley?

Are you planning an expedition or project in Summer 2022?

The Platt Subsidary Foundation offers one or more Awards, which may be competed for each year and are intended to support young people embarking on challenging and enterprising activities away from home, in this country or abroad.

Applicants must show that they have sufficient drive and initiative to be planning an expedition or project in which they will face a variety of physical or intellectual challenges. Projects, which include helping people in other communities, will be more favourably considered. The Award winner may be part of a team or working on their own, but the Award will always be granted in support of an aindividual and not as a contribution to general funds.

In 2021, no Awards were made due to the pandemic, school closures and severe restrictions on overseas travel. It is hoped that these restrictions will be lifted and will allow applications. Any young person wishing to compete for an Award should apply in writing to:

The Secretary

The Platt Subsidary Foundation

57A Loom Lane




Completed Application Forms, countersigned by a parent or guardian, if under 18, should reach the Secretary by 31 March 2022. If circumstances allow, interviews wiil be conducted in April and the Governors’ decisions will be announced in early May 2022.