‘Worrying about Money?’ leaflet supports financial uncertainty in Hertsmere

A new initiative aimed at helping people facing increasing financial uncertainty find the right support has been launched this week.

Hertsmere Food Poverty Alliance launched its ‘Worrying about Money?’ leaflet for residents of Hertsmere experiencing financial insecurity, and anyone supporting them, at a virtual event yesterday (Tuesday 8 March). The leaflet, which has been designed to help people easily identify and access local advice providers and ways to access existing entitlements and maximise income, will be landing on doorsteps, along with council tax bills, from the end of this month.

The leaflet has been developed based on findings from the Hertsmere Food Poverty Alliance and was co-produced by ourselves and the Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN). At the launch, representatives of organisations who have come together to develop the leaflet, shared their thoughts and experiences and discussed how access to money advice and support can help reduce the need for charitable food aid.

The Hertsmere Food Poverty Alliance is a borough-wide organisation aimed at tackling food poverty in response to the rising reliance on foodbanks, and was launched at the end of last year by us. Members are from a wide range of charitable and public sector organisations, including Citizens Advice, Borehamwood Food Bank, Potters Bar Foodbank and The Red Trust Bushey Foodbank.  

Find out more about Hertsmere Food Poverty Alliance at www.hertsmere.gov.uk/moneyworries and the initiative at Cash First Leaflets – Independent Food Aid Network UK.