
Road Closure (Letchmore Heath)

The Hertfordshire (Temporary Closing and Temporary Waiting Restrictions in Back Lane and Common Lane, Letchmore Heath) Order 2023

NOTICE is given that Hertfordshire County Council intends to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to prohibit all vehicular traffic from using the following lengths of roads (“the Roads”), except for access and to prohibit all vehicles from waiting at any time on both sides of these lengths of Roads whilst works are in progress:-

1.    that length of Back Lane, Letchmore Heath from its junction with The Green north westwards to its junction with Common Lane, a distance of approximately 217m.

An alternative route will be via The Green and Common Lane.

2.    that length of Common Lane, Letchmore Heath from its junction with Grange Lane north eastwards for a distance of approximately 281m.

An alternative route will be via Grange Lane, Primrose Lane, B462 Radlett Road, New Road and Common Lane.

The Order is needed because works are proposed to be executed on or near the Roads.

If the Order is made, it shall come into force on 16 January 2023 for a period of up to 18 months. However, the restrictions specified shall only take effect at the times indicated by signs on or near the Roads.

A copy of the proposed Order may be inspected free of charge at County Hall, Hertford between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm (excluding weekends, bank and public holidays).

If you have any queries about the proposed Order please contact Natasha Cook tel. 0300 123 4047 at Ringway.

County Hall                                                                                       29 December 2022

Hertford                                                                                              Mark Kemp

Herts                                                                                                  Executive Director

SG13 8DN                                                                                         Environment & Transport 

Have your say on Hertfordshire County Council’s budget spending (2023-24)

We want to hear your views on how we can make the fairest decisions possible as we develop our budget plans.

Like all organisations across the country the ongoing impact of increasing inflation has added significantly to the pressures on Hertfordshire County Council’s budget. Having set a balanced budget for the next two years as recently as February 2022, we have since seen this position changing at pace with inflationary pressures having an impact on the day-to-day costs of our services.

In short, it’s costing a lot more to simply provide our services at current levels. For example, the bill to keep streetlights on has increased by 60%, that’s an extra £2.3 million a year just to keep the lights on after dark. Despite this, thanks to close control and financial forecasting it has been possible to manage the in-year potential over-spend of £23.5million.

The Leader of our council has lobbied for the county via the Local Government Association, County Council’s Network, working with MPs and directly to Government to make it plain that an enhanced financial settlement is essential in order to keep the vital services running for the people of Hertfordshire.

Last week, the government announced that it will provide us with flexibility to set our levels of council tax. However, before any decisions, we want to hear from you.

Your feedback via this consultation will inform the discussions that our county councillors will have throughout January at public panel meetings and help decide the budget that is set for the council in the February 2023 Full Council.

The budget survey is open to all residents, town and parish councils, parish meetings and organisations in Hertfordshire and can be found here

Phillimore Recreation Ground Improvements

Aldenham Parish Council (APC) is continuing to progress with the Phillimore Recreation Ground improvements. This project has four phases:

  • Phase 1 – installation of café to improve the experience of visiting the recreation ground
  • Phase 2 – improvements to the entrance into the car park
  • Phase 3 – improvements to the children’s play area to make it accessible to more people all year round (this is currently being discussed, further details to follow soon).
  • Phase 4 – to provide an access path around the main field to make it accessible to all, all year round.

In relation to Phase 1, APC carried out a consultation in Autumn 2021. Since then, we have been working with the project manager to respond to some of the concerns raised by residents. The planned built area has been reduced and the path connecting the café to the multi- use games area and public toilets has been relocated to inside the community wood, to the side of the proposed café. This will have the effect of reducing the amount of hardstanding that is being introduced onto the main grassed field.

The plans above were approved by APC Full Council on 28 September 2022, and an application for planning permission has been submitted to Hertsmere Borough Council. If permission is granted, then the next step will be to draw up tenders for operators to provide the catering facility as well as contractors to build the café.

In relation to Phase 2, an architect, IID, has been appointed to draw up plans for improvements which will be shared with residents, in due course.  

Winter Fair

We are almost ready for the Winter Fair at the Radlett Centre this Sunday. Hope to see you all there for an enjoyable afternoon from 2pm until 5pm with the light switch on at 4:45pm by the famous pantomime’s Dame Marc Kelly. There will be lots of festive attractions including Santa’s Grotto, bumper carz, bouncy castle, art and crafts stalls and much more. The tickets for all rides and Santa’s grotto will be available to purchase from the box office (£1 – all rides, £2 – Santa’s grotto), payments to be made by CASH ONLY please.

We are committed to make the Winter Fair an event that is accessible to everyone. Should you need help and support during the event please find a member of staff at the box office. For more details please visit

Please could we ask that you do not attend this event if you are displaying any Coronavirus symptoms or have tested positive.