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Council News

Community Infrastructure Levy Grants

Release date: 3/2/2021

Press Release

Community Infrastructure Levy Grants

 Aldenham Parish Council announced the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) capital grants scheme for local voluntary organisations and community groups in June 2020.  The scheme is to help fund capital projects within the parish.

Aldenham Parish Council set aside funding from the CIL to invest in the local community with grants between £1,000 to £20,000 available for applications for capital spending.  Core organisational costs such as salaries, rent or utilities are not eligible.

So far grants totalling £20,312.85 have been awarded to 3 local organisations:

  • Radlett Bowls Club — £1,562.85 towards repairs to the surrounds at the ground
  • 1st Radlett Scouts — £10,000 for new front entrance to Scout Hut
  • Aldenham War Memorial Hall — £8,750 towards creation of a centenary garden at the hall

All grants awarded are subject to production of satisfactory invoices prior to funds being released.

Aldenham Parish Council is pleased to confirm that the Radlett Bowls Club completed their project and the following statement was received from the club:

We, at Radlett Bowls Club (RBC) are most grateful to APC for the Community Infrastructure Grant.

RBC was established in 1933 on a sloping site bordering Philimore Recreation Ground.  The ground was levelled for the actual green but the banks remained sloping.   Sometime later some bays for bench seating were cut out of the banks, the backs being supported with wooden staves and piling.

Over time these have all rotted away and the generous infrastructure grant was used to replace them with specially treated sleepers for such support work.

This health and safety and solidification work has greatly improved RBC’s ambiance both visually and practically.  All can see how much we care and look after our club.   Our members regularly benefit from exercise, fresh open air and really good company.   We provide information on bowling techniques and can show our new members how to bowl and benefit from our matches.  So, free tuition is available and more information is on our website:-

Please contact the Hon. Secretary, John,  on 01923 853231 with all enquiries or email

If you would wish to apply on behalf of your local voluntary organisation or community group, please contact Monika Duong on or Peter Evans on

Applications are considered twice a year (October and April) at meetings of the Finance and General Purposes Committee.

The next deadline for receipt of applications is as follow:

14 days before the F&GP meeting:

29th March 2021


Grants will normally be given only for schemes that meet the following criteria:

  • projects and schemes must serve the area within the civil boundary of Aldenham
  • projects and schemes that show a clear benefit to parish residents and businesses
  • the application should estimate the number of individuals who will benefit from an allocation.
  • funding is not available for a project that has already been completed.
  • funding is for applications between £1,000 and £20,000
  • projects must be achievable within the funding timescales, but no longer than 5 years.
  • projects must not require on-going revenue funding from Aldenham Parish Council and have sound business planning in place if there is ongoing revenue requirement such as maintenance.
  • projects must be run by local voluntary organisations, community groups,  or social enterprises,  not individuals or businesses
  • projects must have long-term impact.  Applications for capital spending will be considered, but core organisational costs such as salaries, rent or utilities will not be eligible.
  • if match funding is available from other sources please specify how this match-funding will be secured.

Grant applications from organisations will be considered only when accompanied by at least one of the following:

  1. Audited accounts; 
  2. Accounts that have been subjected to independent inspection as required by the Charities Act or, where the organisation is newly formed, a case for funding including supporting evidence of fund raising efforts.
  3. Project business plan

Monika Duong

Assistant Manager

Aldenham Parish Council