Council News

Shenley Hill Appeal

Planning appeal reference: APP/N1920/W/23/3320599

Planning application ref: 22/1539/OUT

The public inquiry is being held into our decision to refuse planning application 22/1539/OUT for:

Erection of up to 195 new homes (40% affordable), safeguarded land for the expansion of Newberries Primary School and provision of a new medical centre, along with associated access. Outline application to include the matter of ACCESS (with the following matters reserved: APPEARANCE, LANDSCAPING, LAYOUT and SCALE).

The dates below will be VIRTUAL MEETINGS ONLY:

Friday 6 October – starts 10am
Monday 9 October – starts 10am
Monday 30 October – reserve date held in case of overrunning.

To view a schedule of Friday 6 October click here

To join virtual meeting of Friday 6 October click here

Letter from Red House Surgery re: Land to South of Shenley Hill

As the inquiry is not being live streamed we attach this letter which was lodged at the appeal yesterday and was agreed by the inspector that he would accept it (even though it was circulated late) for consideration at the inquiry. APC is just bringing this matter to the residents of the parish as this has become a public document.

To view letter from Red House Surgery please click here.

Save Our PCSOs!

Aldenham Parish Council (APC) is very disappointed with the recommendation to remove funding of the PCSOs in Hertsmere and direct this funding towards the employment of extra enforcement officers for Hertsmere Borough Council. APC believe the PSCOs bring great value to the local community and provide a visible presence creating a safer neighbourhood.

APC has written to HBC to question whether these enforcement officers will be value for money, bring the same level of service and be an integral part of the community in a way that is equal to the current PCSOs. To read our letter in full, please click here.

Phillimore Recreation Ground – Playground Improvements

📣📣GOOD NEWS!!!!📣📣

APC is delighted to announce that Proludic have been appointed to complete the work on the playground at Phillimore Recreation Ground, which will see us revamp the playground so that the equipment is set out by age, as well as installing several pieces of new equipment. Works will begin this autumn – to read more about the changes please click on the link below;
Click here to view new plans