Girlguiding Radlett district

Detailed Information

Hertfordshire is a wonderful guiding county with over 9,000 members, offering a full and varied programme to girls, in a safe, trans-inclusive, girl only space, and our volunteers enable young members to develop their potential and be their best.  

Within Radlett district there are units for all sections:

Rainbows (ages 4-7)

Brownies (ages 7-10)

Guides (ages 10-14)

Rangers (ages 14-18)

There are lots of exciting opportunities including outdoors, international and trips abroad.

More information about each of the above sections can be found on the Get involved webpage.

We also welcome new volunteers (ages 18+) to support our girls and young women, and more details about how volunteers can help are available on the Volunteer with us webpage.

Come and join us. Have fun and make lifelong friends!