Hertsmere Police Cadet – Recruitment

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Do you know someone interested in police work, aged between 13 and 18, interested in a varied role where you can develop a range of skills, help your local community and have fun? Then join our volunteer police cadets.   Hertfordshire Police Cadets are young members of the community, aged between 13 and 18, that are involved in a wide range of activities and events. As well as learning about police procedures and the law, cadets also play a vital role in community events, engaging with members of the public and educating them on crime prevention. Specialist departments such as the tri-force Armed Policing Unit and Dog Unit also give regular talks.

The role of a cadet is extremely varied and you will develop a wide range of skills while having fun and helping your local community. Groups also participate in many exciting outdoor activities such as; white-water rafting, weekend holidays and summer camps, court visits and foot patrol at local music festivals.

Cadet groups are led by Police Officers, PCSOs and volunteers who support young people in their development. Groups are open to all and you do not have to have ambitions to work within the police force.  

To apply, please follow this link:   Apply to join the police cadets | Hertfordshire Constabulary (herts.police.uk)  

If the link does not work, send the young persons details to HertsmereHVPC@herts.police.uk   Any questions, please email us.   Take care,   PC Ashleigh Begg Head Cadet Leader – Hertsmere