Hertsmere Police Cadets are recruiting

The Hertsmere Police Cadet Unit are recruiting ready for the new term starting September 2022. It is open to children living and schooling in Hertsmere aged between 13 and 17 this coming September.

The Police Cadets are involved in a wide range of activities and events including: camps, court visits and outdoor activities and play a vital role in community events. Additionally, they learn about police procedures and the law and receive talks from specialist departments, including the tri-force Armed Police Unit and Dog Unit.

The groups usually meet every two weeks on a Tuesday evening and are led by Police Officers, PCSO’s and volunteers who support young people in their development.

No prior knowledge is required and isn’t limited to only those who have ambitions to work within the police force.

Expressions of interest should be emailed to HertsmereHVPC@herts.police.uk with the following information included:

  • Young person name, date of birth and address
  • Parent/guardian name and contact number