Join this Cancel Out Cancer session

Learn about the signs and symptoms of cancer and understand why taking part in cancer screening is important at one of the free online Cancel Out Cancer sessions taking place over the next few months.

Cancel out Cancer is a programme designed to improve people’s awareness and understanding of cancer. The 60-minute volunteer-led sessions aim to encourage everyone to take action in improving their health. 

The online sessions will take place on Thursday 21 April from 3pm-4pm, Tuesday 17 May from 11am-12pm and Thursday 23 June from 3pm-4pm.

Join the sessions to learn to:

·       understand what cancer is and isn’t

·       get to know the signs and symptoms of cancer

·       know the value of screening

·       be positive about lifestyle changes that help reduce your risk

To book please visit Eventbrite here and to enquire about a session for yourself or your local community group or organisation, please email here.