Land on Shenley Hill Saved!

Aldenham Parish Council is very pleased to announce that the appeal case by the developer has been dismissed by the Inspector, who said that ‘Green Belt policy seeks to preserve such countryside just as much as land within it that is not surrounded by settlements or built-up areas. If it did not there would be an inevitable incremental nibbling away of Green Belt fringes, which would cumulatively diminish its openness and permanence.’ The Inspector recognised how the developer’s argument of it being just one field with little impact is false, and that by allowing ‘smaller’ developments the Green Belt is eroded away. Aldenham Parish Council would like to thank all those that wrote in with their objections, supported the appeal and spoke in person at the inquiry, especially the representatives from Save Radlett, the Radlett Society & Green Belt Association, Shenley Parish Council and Letchmore Village Trust who helped coordinate the volunteers.

The villages that make up Aldenham are distinct and unique, surrounded by beautiful countryside that it is our honour to freely enjoy, and our responsibility to protect and safeguard for the future. I hope that this judgement shows how committed we all are to this duty.

To view full appeal decision, click here.