Pegasus Scheme

Hertfordshire Constabulary has launched a scheme – Pegasus – to help those with communication challenges when they have contact with police and other emergency services.
In partnership with the East of England Ambulance Service and Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue Service, Pegasus is designed to assist those who sometimes find it difficult to speak or make themselves understood, especially in pressured situations. It may be useful to anyone with any conditions, to help with any communication issues, including those neuro-diverse needs or visual or hearing impairments.
Registration is easy, free-of-charge and involves providing a few simple details via our dedicated webpage.
Following registration, the individual will receive a membership card and a PIN. When calling for assistance, the cardholder simply needs to say ‘Pegasus’ and quote their PIN for call handlers to provide the appropriate information to responding officers. There is also a Textphone option.
The card can also be shown in person to a police officer, paramedic or firefighter.
To apply or for further information please visit Pegasus card scheme |