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Shenley Hill Appeal

Planning appeal reference: APP/N1920/W/23/3320599

Planning application ref: 22/1539/OUT

The public inquiry is being held into our decision to refuse planning application 22/1539/OUT for:

Erection of up to 195 new homes (40% affordable), safeguarded land for the expansion of Newberries Primary School and provision of a new medical centre, along with associated access. Outline application to include the matter of ACCESS (with the following matters reserved: APPEARANCE, LANDSCAPING, LAYOUT and SCALE).

The dates below will be VIRTUAL MEETINGS ONLY:

Friday 6 October – starts 10am
Monday 9 October – starts 10am
Monday 30 October – reserve date held in case of overrunning.

To view a schedule of Friday 6 October click here

To join virtual meeting of Friday 6 October click here