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Council News

“80 Trees for 80 Years”

This morning some 35 people gathered at Salter’s Field near the Cricket Club to witness the planting of an oak by Dr Peter Brent, in memory of his parents who came as refugees to England from Nazi Germany in 1939.  The tree planting was part of a national project  “80 Trees for 80 Years” by the Association of Jewish Refugees. The event was attended by the Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire, Robert Voss, the Mayor of Hertsmere, Ann Swerling, faith leaders, members of the Council and community leaders.

Sad news

With great sadness, Aldenham Parish Council announces the loss of our long-standing employee, Open Spaces Team Member – Garry Hall who passed away on Boxing Day after a long-term battle with illness’. He worked for APC for over forty years and will always be remembered travelling around in the council tractor cutting the grass on the open spaces wearing the woolly hat come rain or shine.

His memory shall live forever.

In this interview in May 2020 for Around Radlett he reflected on his time working for the council, including all the changes, funny moments and other memories. To read the full interview please visit

Hertsmere’s draft Local Plan – Aldenham Parish Council’s letter to Oliver Dowden MP and his reply

Dear Mr Dowden, 
We are writing to you to express Aldenham Parish Council’s grave concerns about the draft Hertsmere Local Plan and the effect the Plan would have on Hertsmere, and in particular the part of Hertsmere which the Parish Council represents, were it to be adopted. 

We appreciate the importance of having an up-to-date plan and the risks of not doing so. We also understand the complexities involved in preparing the draft Plan, the work undertaken by officers and Borough Councillors, and the requirements imposed on the Borough Council by Government targets and planning policy.

However, we strongly oppose key elements of the draft Plan, in particular the excessive number of new homes proposed, and the allocation of huge amounts of Green Belt land for housing and the consequential impact on the borough and wider afield.

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Clothes Swap

CLOTHES SWAP – Saturday 29th January at The Radlett Centre between 10 – 11am. The swap starts at 12pm. For more details please visit

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Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice Hertsmere’s Radlett Outreach is not available for drop in appointments at this current time. We apologise for any inconvenience.

We are still here to help:
Tuesdays 10am – 1pm please call:
0208 207 6875
Mon – Fri 10am – 5pm call our Adviceline:
0800 144 8848

If you have access to the internet, copy & paste the following link to
speak to our friendly receptionist, who will take your details & get a adviser to call you back hertsmer

Or you can copy the link below, fill out a client contact us form &
a friendly advisor will call you back:
Contact Us Form Citizens Advice Hertsmere

Volunteer at The Peace Hospice

The Peace Hospice is looking for people to support their compassionate neighbours group. Please see the attached poster for more information