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Solar Plant update

Aldenham Parish Council (APC) is continuing to fight the Solar Plant application on 320 acres of Green Belt land surrounding Hilfield Farm and land north of Butterfly Lane.

APC’s Statement of Case was submitted on Tuesday 26 July to the Planning Inspector and it can be viewed here:

The Planning Inspector held a Case Management Conference on 11 August which detailed the information she requires and how the Inquiry will proceed in October. The inquiry will be held at Hertsmere  Borough Council offices on 19 & 20 October, 25-27 October and 1-3 November 2022 commencing at 10:00am and finishing at 5:00pm approximately each day. It should be possible to view this remotely and details will follow.

The next crucial date is that all evidence should be submitted to the inspector by 21 September. APC will continue to keep the community updated as and when there are any further developments to report.