Hertsmere’s draft Local Plan – Aldenham Parish Council’s letter to Oliver Dowden MP and his reply
Dear Mr Dowden,
We are writing to you to express Aldenham Parish Council’s grave concerns about the draft Hertsmere Local Plan and the effect the Plan would have on Hertsmere, and in particular the part of Hertsmere which the Parish Council represents, were it to be adopted.
We appreciate the importance of having an up-to-date plan and the risks of not doing so. We also understand the complexities involved in preparing the draft Plan, the work undertaken by officers and Borough Councillors, and the requirements imposed on the Borough Council by Government targets and planning policy.
However, we strongly oppose key elements of the draft Plan, in particular the excessive number of new homes proposed, and the allocation of huge amounts of Green Belt land for housing and the consequential impact on the borough and wider afield.